Week 13: Power Rankings

A few big changes in the NFL this week on account of no one wanting to win the Superbowl (that was a joke by the way, I’m aware there are teams who want to win it).

32) Atlanta Falcons

Oh it’s happened people, Jacksonville are NOT the worst team in the league…

31) Jacksonville Jaguars

Still second worst though.

30) HoustonĀ  Texans

I have no idea whats going on with this team, they are loaded with talent but cannot get it together.

29) Washington Redskins

Try imagining RGIII not laying down, I bet you can’t.

28) New York Jets

urgh. Just bad Geno, bad BAD Geno.

27) Cleveland Browns

Depressingly still in the play off picture.

26) Oakland Raiders

I’m probably a little low on this team but I don’t think they could beat any of the above teams.

25) Minnesota Vikings

Rough season for the Vikings, they did however hold the Packers to a tie.

24) Tampa Bay Buccaneers

Massive improvement from this team as the begin to do their best to save Schiano

23) Tennessee Titans

Ladies and Gentlemen, your current 6th seed wild card team in the AFC and the Commish wants to extend the play offs to 8 teams.

22) Buffalo Bills

Bye week this week, but they do seem to be massively in consistent.

21) Baltimore Ravens

Managed to destroy an awful Jets team, they would however probably struggle against a number of teams in the league.

20) New York Giants

Weak Offence but great Defence despite having no Linebacking Corp.

19) Miami Dolphins

I would imagine they will fall a little in the coming weeks, but they have figured out how to use Wallace.

18) Pittsburgh Steelers

Ben Roethlisberger is leading an impressive comeback for the Steelers.

17) Indianapolis Colts

Big drop, but right now they really don’t look great.

16) Green Bay Packers

Former no. 1’s on this list, but without Rodgers, their toothless.

15) Chicago Bears

It is entirely down to the Defence for why they’ve dropped this much

14) Detroit Lions

We have an NFC North triple. All teams playing atrociously at the moment.

13) St Louis Rams

Massive improvements as the season has gone on. Both Tavon Austin and Zac Stacey are real difference makers.

12) Cincinnati Bengals

Bye week this week, but they really don’t fill me with confidence.

11) Arizona Cardinals

This team has really got it together. Palmer has actually found a way to get the ball to Fitzgerald.

10) Dallas Cowboys

Improved performance this week, but still have a worrying Defence.

9) San Diego Chargers

Great result this week, but need to see consistency before they breach the top 10

8) Kansas City Chiefs

Well they’ve certainly dropped off. I would imagine someone will tell me I’ve got them in the wrong place.

7) Philadelphia Eagles

Another one of the hot teams here. Lets see if they can keep it up.

6) San Francisco 49ers

Much improved game against the Redskins this week. The Defence is very much for real.

5) New England Patriots

A sign of a quality team is the ability to get wins through some of the more deep players. Bravo Patriots.

4) New Orleans Saints

I can’t figure it out, but they look beatable in pretty much every game. Obviously they move up with wins against the Panthers however.

3) Denver Broncos

They did lose against the Pats, but I don’t think that happens every week.

2) Carolina Panthers

Even when they look like they might lose, they look unbeatable. Big games coming up against the Saints though.

1) Seattle Seahawks

After a really strange week, they looking like the least beatable team. Do I think they win the Super bowl? No but currently they’re looking amazing

and thats this weeks power rankings, usual feedback is greatly appreciated.